Training & Workshops - FEHA Training       

Claims of hostile work environments, based on the conduct of managers and co-workers are on the rise. In addition to sexual harassment, complaints frequently focus on offensive verbal or written exchanges based on race, religion, age and now disability.

Broadened definitions of disability in California, coupled with legislation aimed at punishing employers for retaliating against employees who are injured, take medical leave or claim disability harassment, make this the newest "bet the company" lawsuit in California.

Leaders who threaten to terminate employees injured on the job; emails that refer to disabled employees "gimps" and supervisors who permit employees to bully their disabled co-workers are all grounds for costly disability harassment lawsuits.

Hostile, abusive or insensitive work environments also increase work errors, impact the way employees perceive themselves and your peers, and create conflict among entire work groups. Greater awareness of colleagues' perceptions and values, in turn, encourages managers and non-managers to interact more favorably with one another as well as the diverse population of vendors, suppliers, customers and clients.

California law requires training for managers and supervisors on sexual harassment. Mandates for other forms of harassment won't be far behind. Proactive employers, with five or more employees, are taking steps to train their leaders to spot -- and stop -- disability harassment in its tracks. This program fulfills all legislative training requirements under AB1825 for California employers.

Participants Will Learn To: